Visit us at ‘It’s Your Life!’ show at Reading’s Rivermead Leisure Centre 12.04.15
We are exhibiting at the amazing ‘It’s Your Life!’ show in Reading this Sunday!
Do you want to know how you can help your baby grow strong, healthy and bright?
NutriBaby offers sound advice to ensure that your baby’s first foods provide all the nutrients for your baby to develop healthily now and for years to come.
We teach about traditional weaning foods for the modern parent. The common practice today to give a baby grains is misleading as an infant’s digestive system does not produce the necessary enzymes to break down these complex carbohydrates. This could cause digestive issues and allergies for many years down the line.
At six months, a baby’s digestive system is very immature so it’s important to only introduce easily digestible foods which are nutrient dense, to provide optimum nutrition for this period of rapid growth and development.
- Meat (and fish), bone broth, pureed meats including liver, chicken and lamb
- Egg yolk
- Vegetables such as carrot and sweet potato, which can be fermented to make them more digestible
- Fruits such as ripe bananas, papaya and avocado
- Healthy fats – grass fed ghee and butter, fats from grass-fed animals, coconut oil
- Fermented and cultured foods such as sauerkraut juice, yoghurt and kefir to provide beneficial bacteria
Meats and egg yolk are both rich in cholesterol (as is breast milk), vital for development of the nervous system and the brain; they also contain a healthy balance of zinc and iron which are needed from food from around 6 months; and B vitamins, often in short supply when weaning on grains.
NutriBaby can show you how to easily introduce these foods to your baby through weaning workshops and also through our Virtual Weaning workshops where you can log on from the comfort of your home to watch live.
Please visit our stand where you can learn more about NutriBaby Weaning, sign up for a fact sheet summarising healthy foods, and a list of local suppliers of real foods. Taste our nourishing weaning foods, have a look at our BRAND NEW BOOK, Real Baby Food Revolution – A collection of weaning recipes, incorporating nourishing food traditions (soon to be published as an e-book). You can also attend a 20 minute talk on real foods for children from six months to six years.