Tuna Fish Cakes
Here’s a nice quick lunch or supper dish for chilly nights and half term – maybe the children can help make them!
nb Tinned tuna is a good protein source (not much fish oil though) and sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidant carotenoids, Vitamin C, manganese, copper as well as fibre. The olive oil, fat in the egg and the dressing on your salad or veg will help the absorption of the beta-carotene. You could also sprinkle sunflower or pumpkin seeds onto your salad (not for babies of course!).
…and How
These fish cakes are suitable for baby 9+ months though be vigilant if tomatoes not previously given. If you are giving this to a tiny tot, then divide the mixture and season the adult portion before shaping the fish cakes in a different size or shape.
nb Polenta (cornmeal) is a lovely gluten free alternative to breadcrumbs – I’m always looking for wheat substitutes, as many people have a gluten sensitivity without even knowing it.
1.5kg bag of East End Fine Cornmeal cost just £1.49. Delicious in place of pasta or potatoes and can also be made into a kind of porridge to serve with berries and yoghurt. It has a low glycaemic load and is a vegetarian source of protein. If you like baking, try some polenta cake recipes: www.bbcgoodfood.com/content/recipes/cakes/polenta-cake/
Bon appétit from nutribaby